Online Resources, Videos and Articles
Basics of Latching from Breastfeeding Medicine of Northeast Ohio
Natural Breastfeeding For an Easier Start by Dr. Theresa Nesbitt, MD and Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC
Lymphatic Massage for Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Stanford Breastfeeding information and videos
BBC’s Breastfeeding Cafe and Breastfeeding Support Facebook Group
Breastfeeding Book Recommendations
Suckle, Sleep, Thrive Breastfeeding Success through Understanding Your Baby’s Cues and Unique Temperament by Andrea Herron and Lisa Rizzo
Lactivate: A Users Guide to Breastfeeding by Jill Krause and Christie Rosenthal
Latch by Robin Kaplan
Local Resources and Community
Schedule a private lactation consult with BBC call or text Alison at 585-451-9968 or email
BBC’s Breastfeeding Cafe and Breastfeeding Support Facebook Group
URMC Breastfeeding Medicine Clinic
All La Leche League Groups in the Rochester Area or call 211 to be put in touch with a Leader closest to you.
You are always welcome to reach out to us at and we’ll help guide you to the support you need.