Pregnancy & Birth Workshops

Baby Basics Jared Naomi Ginny

Baby Basics

Body Ready Method Birth Class

Body Ready Birth Classes

breastfeeding 101

Breastfeeding Class 101

rochester birthing classes

Childbirth Classes


Comfort Measures for Pregnancy and Labor

couples prenatal yoga class

Couples Prenatal Yoga

infant cpr first aid

First Aid & Infant CPR

vbac class rochester

Planning for VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean )

rochester prenatal yoga class

Prenatal Yoga

B4BIRTH PRENATAL MEETINGS (for our doula clients only)

Our B4Birth monthly prenatal meetings are unique in Rochester and exclusively for you, our BBC doula families with a Bundle.

Given many of our families hire their birth doula many months before their due date, these monthly meetings allow us to get to know each other and to offer you education and information throughout much of your pregnancy. In our dream of creating a centering and full spectrum of experience, as well as our goal of creating and fostering community, we have developed “B4Birth.”

WHEN: The second Monday of every month from 7-8/8:30 PM

We gather on Zoom to various topics relating to pregnancy, labor, birth and postpartum. Meetings are recorded for those who can’t join us live.

Topics include:

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    Birth Plans

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    Birth Environment

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    Due Dates & Labor Inductions

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    The Fourth Trimester

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    & our annual gift of an in-person Restorative Yoga session every December

before birth workshop